The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of the lay people working in the Church. Through prayer, we work to strengthen our relationship with our Lord. We participate in the Spiritual Works of Mercy in union with Mary, our Mother, to bring Jesus to the souls who need Him and to deepen their relationship with Him. To be a member, you only need a willingness to let our Lady use you as you are. She needs your hands and feet, your lips and heart, your time and effort. Legionaries are simply Mary’s means of action to bring her Son’s message to the world today.
How can I see if being a member of the Legion of Mary is right for me? The first step to become a member is to be a guest at one of our meetings. Guests are always welcome and can go on work assignments with an experienced member if they choose. The Legion of Mary at CCASTA meets on Mondays at 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Ascension Parish Center basement or in a member’s home. The meeting consists of praying the rosary and planning the works of the ministry and fellowship. Contact Bernie Taylor or Paul Peyla below for more details. Read more HERE.
We serve those in our parish and the local community in some of the following ways: