Do you or someone you know need prayer? Email our Prayer Circle Coordinator, Marty Byerly at [email protected] or call her at 410-242-2743.
If you would like to join our prayer ministry:
Prayer Circle Ministry (with over 60 members) commits to pray for parishioners' intentions for 30 days (or longer if requested.) We may pray for these intentions with family at bedtime, say a decade of the Rosary on our way to work, or just take a brief moment of quiet time each day to ask God to help the many individuals who have asked for our support.
The most rewarding aspect of the Prayer Circle is knowing that you have lifted a bit of the burden from the shoulders of those who contact us. When someone calls in such distress over a sick family member, a spouse who is out of work, or a tragic death, and you tell them that 50+ people will be praying for them or their loved one, there is always a tremendous sense of relief.
One person recently said, “Words cannot express how amazed and thankful we are feeling right now for God's blessings. Clearly the power of prayer is limitless! Thank you so much for your prayers and all you have done to sustain us.” Another offered: “Thank you very much and thanks to all those other ‘angels’ on the Prayer Line at Saint Augustine.”
Do you want to join nearly 60 parishioners praying daily for the needs of the parish? Marty will add you to her email loop and let you know as requests come in, [email protected]